Brewton School News

Information & News regarding Brewton City Schools' school programs.

Monday, December 21, 2015

All I want for Christmas is a Hero like Miss Samantha Brown

On January 18, 2015 while we were closing schools for the Christmas holiday and enjoying those last day class parties one of our dedicated instructional aides, Miss Samantha Brown took the day off.  I usually don't prefer someone taking time off before a holiday, but in this case, I didn't mind at all.  You see Miss Brown gave her cousin a gift for Christmas and gave me a new hero to point my children too.  Miss Brown donated a kidney to her cousin.  Thankfully, to my knowledge everyone is doing well.  I just want to take this moment recognize one of our school district's employees and say thank you for being a role model to girls like my daughter and a hero to big old guys like myself.  Merry Christmas! I look forward in seeing you again in 2016.

Samantha with my daughter Katy


Wow! It seems like yesterday we started school and now its Christmas.  I love Christmas for several reasons both personally and professionally.  Christmas is an important part of my faith, but professionally Christmas allows me the opportunity to see the joy and wonder through the eyes of a child again.  This year my wonderful team of professionals in our district's Exceptional Education Classroom gave me the wonderful gift to see our exceptional kids enjoy themselves.  I would like to share some pictures:

I would like you to meet our staff from left to right: Mrs. Marsha Garrett, Coach Kevin Madden, Santa, and Mrs. Kelly Hinote.  I am very proud of you!

Santa took the time to visit us during a very busy time. I would like to thank Hope Place for helping us out with travel arrangements.  I believe Coach Madden only had to make a phone call to the North Pole to get Santa to come and visit. I believe Coach Madden knew someone in Santa's family.  It is always good to have connections.

Searching for those goodies!  
I wonder how Santa knew he like Ninja Turtles?

Here is one of our young guys looking to find out what Santa may have brought him this year.  He is a real Ninja Turtle fan.  

Santa took pictures with our all guys and even a few well lets say older kids as well:

Coach Madden was relieved he didn't have to go the mall this year.
I promise, I was a good boy this year.

Santa even took time for the naughty ones as well.

Least we forget we eat pizza, brownie, and lots of other goodies brought to the classroom by very devoted people and to them I say thank you!

This young man ate almost a whole pizza by himself.  Santa was not his thing but he loved the food.  

As I leave you this day, I wish each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas or A Happy Holiday. Please be careful and safe and we look forward to seeing you again on January 5, 2015.  


Friday, November 13, 2015

Family Resources for English for Second Lanaguage Students

Family Resources:
  • Family Webinar Part I: My child is an English
    Language Learner. What does that mean?
    (English) Site
  • Presentación para los padres - Parte 1 - Mi hijo es un 
    estudiante del idioma inglés. ¿Qué significa esto? Site
    Family Webinar Part I: My child is an English Language Learner. What does that mean? (Spanish)
  • Family Webinar Part II: My child is an
    English Language Learner. How is my child's
    language development supported at school?
    (English) Site
  • Presentación para los padres - Parte 2 - Mi hijo es un 
    estudiante del idioma inglés. ¿Cómo apoya la escuela el
    desarrollo del lenguage de mi hijo? Site
    Family Webinar Part II: My child is an English Language Learner. How is my child's language development supported at school? (Spanish)
  • Family Webinar Part III: My child is an
    English language learner. How do I know if my
    child is making progress? (English) Site
  • Presentación para los padres - Parte 3 - Mi hijo es un
    estudiante del idioma inglés. ¿Cómo puedo saber si mi hijo
    está progresando? Site
    Family Webinar Part III: My child is an English language learner. How
    do I know if my child is making progress? (Spanish)

A Parents Guide: Special Education Disability Areas.

I know something is wrong.  This is a common statement I hear from parents regarding their children who contact me regarding suspected learning disabilities. I understand as a parent myself this is a difficult question to ask someone at your child's school.  I would like to share with you a general description of what disabilities that special education addresses in a public school program. Remember, if your child has a issue you are uncertain what to do, please feel free to contact me at 251-867-8400 or

A child may qualify for special education services in one of the following disability area:  

A developmental disability that significantly affects verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction evident before age three that adversely affects educational performance.
A combination of both hearing and visual impairments causing severe communication and other developmental and educational needs.
A significant delay in one or more of the following areas may identify a child for this area of the disability on his or her third birthday:
  1.  Adaptive development
  2.  Cognitive development
  3.  Communication development
  4.  Social and emotional development
  5.  Physical development
A disability in which one or more of the following characteristics are exhibited over a long period of time and to a marked degree, adversely affecting educational performance:
An inability to learn which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors; An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships;Inappropriate type of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances;A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression;A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems.
An impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term includes both deaf and hard of hearing.
Significantly below average general intellectual functioning existing along with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period that adversely affects the child's educational performance.
The combination of impairments such as Intellectual Disability and Blindness or Intellectual Disability and Orthopedic Impairment with causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for one of the impairments. The term does not include fearfulness.
Limited strength, vitality or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems such as heart condition, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, or attention deficit disorder. The impairment must adversely affect educational performance.
A disorder in one or more basic psychological process involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations.
A communication disorder such as articulation, voice, language, or fluency, which adversely affects a child's educational performance.
An acquired injury to the brain caused by external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment or both, that adversely affects educational performance.
A visual impairment that, even with correction, adversely affects a child's educational performance.

Children between the ages of three and six with any of the previously mentioned disabilities may qualify for preschool special education services. We serve children who reside in our jurisdiction. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

School Wide Title 1: What is the 1% set-aside and how are parents involved?

What is the 1% set-aside and how are parents involved?

According to federal regulations, any LEA with a Title I Allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of it’s Title I allocation for parental involvement. Currently, Brewton City Schools is well below this $500,000 mark  However, we do set-aside 1% of our allocation for parental involvement.  The federal advisory, or Title 1 advisory committee meeting, on May 21, 2015 approved our set-aside proposal.

Total Federal Funds
FY 12
FY 13
FY 14
Title 1
At-Risk Students
Title 2
Part A
Class Size Reduction
Title 6
Rural Education
Carl Perkins
Special Education
IDEA Preschool
21st Century
Extended Day or Year

Everybody Learns Every Day!

I want to give a shout out to our kids who work with Mr. Madden.  They are building an aquatic habitat in the classroom.  They discovered near the rear of central office building, a creek with aquatic animals, such as turtles, small to midsize fishes, and an eel/large salamander who have been eating our turtles. 

For the last several weeks, they have been feeding the fish and turtles. Plus, they have had a wonderful time enjoying each others' company and the exploration of their natural surrounding.  They would make E.O. Wilson proud.   

They have procured for themselves an aquarium and are now stocking the aquarium with a sampling of the fish they catch.  I am proud of you boys.  

What Does It Mean to be a Title I School? 2015-2016

Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs.  These dollars are used for…
  • Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students meet the State’s challenging content standards.
  • Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies
  • Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities
  • Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers

Listed below are the service and activities at Brewton Elementary School and Brewton Middle School.  

Title 1 Services/Activities at Brewton Elementary School
  1. Employing instructional aides to operate the school’s computer labs to assist students in meeting specific academic goals.
  2. Parent involvement activities including parent training activities.

Title 1 Services/Activities at Brewton Middle School
  1. Employing three classroom teachers in core content subjects areas to as a means of reducing class size.
  2. Parent involvement activities including parent training activities.

Being a Title 1 school also means parents have parental involvement and parents’ rights.  As schoolwide Title I Schools, Brewton Elementary and Brewton Middle rely on the partnership between school and home to ensure that our students succeed. It is our hope you will feel welcome to be a part of your child’s school experience and a part of the success of your child’s school.  .

If you are interested in helping your child or partnering with your child’s school, here is some suggestions:

  • Attend parent information sessions, conferences, and Title 1 parent meetings.

  • Join your school's PTO

  • Speak to your school principal about opportunities to volunteer or serve on local school  committees.

  • Speak to your federal program director (see: below) or visit your district webpage under the federal program section tab and click the annual evaluation link for parental involvement plan, school-parent compact, or participate in a routine surveys.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Annual Title I Parent Meeting August 9, 2015

Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting

As you may have noticed in The Brewton Standard, in the July 22 and 29 editions, an advertisement for the Annual Title I Parent Meeting.   In accordance to The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Brewton City Schools is required to conduct an annual meeting of Title I parents for the purpose of informing parents of their school’s participation in Title I; explaining the requirements of Title I program; and explaining their rights as parents to be involved. Brewton Elementary School and Brewton Middle School are Title 1 (school-wide) programs. If you are a parent of a child attending either Brewton Elementary School or Brewton Middle School, you are encouraged to attend.


Brewton City Schools will host the Annual Brewton City Schools Title I Parent Meeting on Sunday, August 9, 2015 in the Brewton Middle School’s Cafeteria at 1:30pm. Parking will be available near the school gym. All parents are encouraged to attend.  You will learn about our school district’s Title I program, help us to review the Brewton CIty Parent Involvement Policy, contribute to an assessment of our Title I programs and make suggestions as to how to improve our Title I policy, parent engagement in our schools and student learning in our classrooms. Please contact James “David” Jones, Director of Programs, at 251-867-8400 with any comments or questions.

Brewton escuelas de la ciudad será sede de la Reunión Anual de Padres Escuelas Brewton City Título I en Domingo, 09 de agosto 2015 en la Cafetería de la Escuela Secundaria Brewton a las 1:30 pm. Habrá estacionamiento disponible cerca del gimnasio de la escuela. Se anima a todos los padres a asistir. Usted aprenderá sobre el programa de nuestro distrito escolar de Título I, ayúdanos a revisar la Política de Participación de los Padres Brewton City, contribuir a una evaluación de nuestros programas de I Título y hacer sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar nuestra política de Título I, participación de los padres en nuestras escuelas y aprendizaje de los alumnos en nuestras aulas. Por favor, póngase en contacto con James "David" Jones, Director de Programas, al 251-867-8400 con cualquier comentario o pregunta.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Annual Title 1 Advisory Committee Meeting May 21 @ 2 p.m.

If you are a parent of a student at Brewton Elementary School or Brewton Middle School you are invited to the annual Title 1 Advisory Committee meeting.  The meeting will be held at the Brewton City Board of Education on Thursday, May 21 at 2 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to seek your input on our Title 1 program.  We will be discussing the Title 1 services and activities provided at each school. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

PARENT INVOLVEMENT PLAN with Annual Evaluation Link

It is the goal of Brewton City Schools to actively engage, encourage, and support the participation of parents as advocates and active participants in the education of their children.  Our school system believes that parents are their children’s first and most important teacher.  It is in response to that belief that our school system offers the following plan.  This plan will guide our efforts to most effectively involve parents in the education of their child(ren).
1.  The Brewton City School System will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its district-wide parental involvement plan.

·         An annual meeting of the Federal Programs Parent-Teacher Advisory Council will be held in the spring-summer. At this meeting the district Parent Involvement Plan will be reviewed and revised as needed.  Other meetings may also be scheduled.
·         The Brewton City Schools “Student Code of Conduct and Parent and Student Notifications” will be distributed annually to each student/parents in grades K-12.  This information booklet contains information about the Parent Involvement Plan and the open Advisory meeting.
·         The Brewton City School System will assist the schools in informing parents of their parental involvement rights in Title I schools and “Parents Right To Know”.
·         Brewton City Schools will collaborate with community agencies to provide maximum family support services to families.
2.   The Brewton City School System will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school review and improvement.
·         The Parent-Teacher Advisory Council will hold an annual meeting
·         Under the support and guidance of the central office, each Title I school will establish a Continuous Improvement Plan committee which includes parents.
·         Various reports provided by the Alabama State Department of Education Student Assessment Program will be distributed annually.
·         School/System Report Cards provided by the Alabama State Department of Education will be distributed annually.
·         Brewton City School System will assist the schools in informing parents of their parental involvement rights in Title I schools.
3.   The Brewton City School System will provide the following necessary coordination, technical assistance, and other support to assist Title I, Part A schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance.
·         The Brewton City Schools Federal Programs Coordinator will facilitate the implementation of this plan, providing ongoing monitoring of the various activities and their results.
·         The Brewton City Schools Federal Programs coordinator will collaborate with the Title I Schools to provide a variety of parent education programs and training sessions, as interest and funds are available.
·         School information will be provided to parents in a variety of ways which may include newsletters or on-line information through the district website or INOW
·         The federal programs coordinator, who also serves as the Homeless Liaison will monitor the enrollment, attendance, and performance of any homeless children and youth who may enroll in Brewton City Schools.
·         The Brewton City Board of Education will sponsor professional development activities for teachers.
·         The Brewton City Schools “Student Code of Conduct and Parent and Student Notifications” will be distributed annually to each student, grades K-12.
·         A Home/School Compact will be distributed annually as part of the “Student Code….”
4.   The Brewton City School System will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies in Part A with parental involvement strategies under other programs.
·         Title I Part A will collaborate with the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) program and IDEA (special education) for parent involvement strategies and training.
·         Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program – Home visits may be conducted to determine medical, dental, clothing, and personal hygiene needs of homeless students.
·         Coordination and collaboration with Brewton City Schools Program for Individuals with Disabilities is easily accomplished since the federal programs coordinator also serves as the special education director.
·         Brewton City Schools Technology Program will provide parents access to school information on a website.  Information will be published and updated in a timely manner.
·         The STI Home on-line resource will be available to assist parents in monitoring their child’s academic progress, attendance and discipline.
5.   Brewton City Schools will conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this parental involvement policy in improving the quality of its Title I, Part A schools. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental involvement activities.  The school district will use the findings of the evaluation about its parental involvement policy and activities to design strategies for more effective parental involvement, and to revise, if necessary (and with the involvement of parents) its parental involvement policies.

Inquiries concerning the services applicable to homeless, migrant, or Limited English Proficient students enrolled in Brewton City Schools should be directed to the Director of Programs, Brewton City Board of Education; 811 Belleville Avenue; Brewton, AL 36426; telephone 251-867-8400.